Our services are funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario
Oasis, a non-profit organization, was established in 1992. Lead by founder, Takis Liris, the organization was initially developed for people in recovery to find support in the 12-step community, socialize in a safe and supportive environment and to integrate themselves back into society.
Nineteen years later, Oasis Employment plays a leading role in Toronto’s east communities by providing career related information and job placement assistance to persons with barriers to employment. Oasis welcomes over 700 clients per year. Our client base consists of Employment Insurance and Ontario Works recipients, clients on Disability Support and those with no income.
Females represent 40% of our membership and new Canadians have been a growing group in recent years. Oasis’ support model incorporates social integration, employment focused services and community involvement as a means to achieving economic independence and self-worth for our clients.
This is made possible with financial support from government agencies, donations from the Oasis Clothing bank, partnerships with other organizations, program development, special projects such as bazaars and other fund raising activities.